
Outside Fun

So, like most of you moms, we must go outside and/or to the park every single day. That is fine by me! Outside fun is great.....we go to Sequiota--which I prefer--and to Finley River Park--in Ozark. (we have to go to Finley River more often because gas is quickly approaching $5 a gallon). Anywho, back to the outside fun. Jack could care less about the swings, slide, or anything like that. He prefers to just run and run and run. (oh, he also likes to get really close to the geese at Sequiota---it's crazy how close they let you get to them)

Now, we all know that you cannot stay at the park forever. It is really exciting when we get to leave the park, no matter how long we have played. Jack starts to cry...I mean, scream. Like it's a help-me-my-mom-left-me-and-a-stranger-is-taking-me scream. The worst part...people are always there and they stare. You know, the wow-someone-is-killing-her-kid stare. Well, some of them, who can see me, understand what is going on...and they don't stare as long at you. Oh well--it is still worth it!

Also, if we are not at the park, we play baseball in our backyard. Really, it is just crazy that Jack is my little outfielder and brings the balls right back. (he gets really excited when I turn on the baseball toy which shoots the ball really high in the air for me to hit)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jack is becoming such a little man! He is so cute with so much potential to check out everything...God speed Car. - Lov, MOM